Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Brokeback Watchtower
Wow all those people working in a PCB contaminated area that has got to produce some birth defects as well as a host of other problems that will show up in time. -
GB member speaks about cutbacks
by startingover ina member of the gb spoke in this area recently.
i understand one talk was about endurance.
no surprise there.
Brokeback Watchtower
I was informed that he mentioned there has been talk of cutbacks at Bethel. He said there were not cutbacks but because the productivity with faster equipment requiring less workers and also because much of the printing that was being done in other countries,
He should have mentioned that the magazines are way smaller and cheaper to make and all the books are paper back now which should almost cut in half the production of printed material. They are winding down in the warning work seems like this bunch of faithful and discreet slavers is slacking off in their precious God given assignment and are saying to themselves "My master is delaying" next they will start eating and drinking with the confirmed drunkards of false religion pretty soon.
Huge story unfolding at Warwick
by Crazyguy inits been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
Brokeback Watchtower
I guess this piece of property had the Governing Body's name all over it and was just waiting all these year for someone dumb enough and desperate like them to buy it. I hope they enjoy their new home with all carcinogens just waiting to make friends with them.
I think that tours to see the place will be kind of spars once all the friends/JWs spread the word around that this was a contaminated site that was supposedly cleaned up just like the end of the world is coming real soon like any minute now. I wouldn't suggest that any pregnant or nursing mother take a visit seeing that PCB causes birth defects and what not.
I think Jehovah might get a little miffed seeing how his Faithful and not so discreet slave just blew a wad of dough due to lack of faithfulness with Jehovah's assets and indiscretion/undiscreetfulness when it come to buying property for him to park his Chariot.
You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!
by cha ching ini am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Brokeback Watchtower
A lot of companies when they lay off someone for what ever reason escort them to a meeting when they are given the news that they no longer have a job and then escort them to get their belongings so as not to have a negative impact on the other workers, in effect they get them to leave as quietly as possible. I think the WT corporation may not have been able to convict him of any wrong doing but may have herd some hear say about him that caused them to get rid of him fast without any notice(maybe just could have been a wrong comment to someone that ran to some bethel overseer to squeal on him) after all I think they are kind of spooked about any type of bad attitude developing among the rank and file slave labor so even hear say without due process of a kangaroo court may have been seen to be their best alternative. -
Is Watchtower imploding? 10 reasons why the end could be nigh
by WildeLover in
i dont know how to hyperlink the link above,.
it's a link to an article by cedars on the possibility of the wt imploding?.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think it is a very real possibility that these demented delusional fools called the illustrious Governing Body aka Faithful and Demented Slave may be driving Jehovah's Chariot off a financial cliff of bankruptcy.
Hey they are in a delusional state and banking on wishful thinking to stabilize and direct this behemoth to financial solvency, buying property that has been contaminated by PCB and other carcinogens and moving Headquarter to live on it is just one example of how stupid they are and that is just one example of which there are many more. I don't think they are going to make it.
How much damage has internet done against the The Watchtower Society ?
by opusdei1972 inin the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
Brokeback Watchtower
1996 or 97 I was on the beginning of internet and I typed in Jehovah, Jehovah Witness, and related words in the search engines that were availible at the time and was astounded at the results it took me until 2001 before I was full out. It all happened because of the internet. -
Brokeback Watchtower
With all the PCB contamination at the construction site I wouldn't want to work there. I hope no pregnant mother were working there.
WARWICK - The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is suing International Nickel and several of its affiliates, which it accuses of contaminating land where the religious group is now building its massive 1.6 million-square-foot world headquarters.
The 252-acre property on Kings Drive was previously owned by International Nickel, which operated a research and development site and a foundry there between the mid-1960s and mid-1980s. Watchtower, better known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, purchased the property in 2009.
In the lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York's Southern District, Watchtower says International Nickel operated a wastewater treatment plant at the site to handle effluent, and also owned underground tanks to store fuel and other hazardous material.
Watchtower claims that International Nickel discharged petroleum, including oils containing polychlorinated byphenyls - or PCBs - into the wastewater treatment plant, and into the soil and groundwater, thereby contaminating the environment at the property. PCBs, which are probable human carcinogens, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, were banned in the United States in 1979.
Watchtower is in the process of building offices, apartments to house 1,000 adults, a cafeteria, a vehicle-maintenance building, an infirmary and a parking garage in Warwick. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
Watchtower’s lawsuit says International Nickel failed to clean up the environmental problems it created during decades in Warwick. The suit also names International Nickel’s parent company, Vale Americas Inc., and its affiliates, including Vale Canada Limited, Precision Castparts Corp., and Special Metals Corporation.
Watchtower could not immediately be reached for comment. A spokesman for Vale said the company hadn’t been served yet and therefore had no comment.
It wasn’t clear when Watchtower discovered the contamination. The suit says Watchtower contacted the state Department of Environmental Conservation about the pollution in 2012 and '13, and has been cleaning the property under the direction of the DEC.
Watchtower is seeking unspecified reimbursement for the cost it has incurred in the cleanup and remediation. It is also seeking damages, restitution and attorney fees
Acute toxic effects.
People exposed directly to high levels of PCBs, either via the skin, by consumption, or in the air, have experienced irritation of the nose and lungs, skin irritations such as severe acne (chloracne) and rashes, and eye problems. [3]
PCBs cause developmental effects.
Women exposed to PCBs before or during pregnancy can give birth to children with significant neurological and motor control problems, including lowered IQ and poor short-term memory.
A group of children in Michigan whose mothers had been exposed to PCBs were found to have decreased birth weight and head size, lowered performance on standardized memory, psychomotor and behavioral tests, and lowered IQ. These effects lasted through at least 7 years. [4] A group of women occupationally exposed to PCBs in upstate New York had shorter pregnancies and gave birth to children with lower birth weight. [5]Another study, of the chidren of women who ate contaminated Lake Ontario fish, found significant performance impairments on a standardized behavioral assessment test. [6]
Exposure of one form of PCB to rats resulted in retarded growth, delayed puberty, decreased sperm counts, and genital malformations. [7] In other studies, exposure of PCBs to rats in utero led to behavioral and psychomotor effects that lasted into adulthood. [8]
PCBs disrupt hormone function.
PCBs with only a few chlorine atoms can mimic the body´s natural hormones, especially estrogen. Women who consumed PCB-contaminated fish from Lake Ontario were found to have shortened menstrual cycles. [9]PCBs are also thought to play a role in reduced sperm counts, altered sex organs, premature puberty, and changed sex ratios of children. More highly-chlorinated PCBs (with more chlorine atoms) act like dioxins in altering the metabolism of sex steroids in the body, changing the normal levels of estrogens and testosterone. [11] PCBs tend to change in the body and in the environment from more highly-chlorinated to lower-chlorinated forms, increasing their estrogenic effects.
Immune system and thyroid effects.
In a study of adolescents Mohawk males in New York State, PCBs were shown to upset the balance of thyroid hormones, which may affect growth as well as intellectual and behavioral development. [12]
Like dioxin, PCBs bind to receptors that control immune system function, disturbing the amounts of some immune system elements like lymphocytes and T cells. [13]
In a study of Dutch children, PCB levels were tied to an increased prevalence of ear infections and chickenpox and with lowered immune system function, and thus greater susceptibility to disease. [14]
Eating fish is the major route of exposure to PCBs.
The most common route of exposure to PCBs is from eating contaminated fish. The EPA estimates an increased cancer risk as high as 1 in 2500 for people eating certain species of fish from the Hudson River&em; thousand times higher than the EPA´s goal for protection. [15]
Air near a contaminated site may also be polluted by PCBs. By one estimate, residents of the Hudson Valley may inhale as many PCBs as they would get by eating one contaminated fish per year. [16] Although small amounts of PCBs can enter the body from swimming in highly contaminated water, this is unlikely to be significant except in the most extreme cases.
Municipalities that use the Hudson River as a drinking water source carefully monitor the water for PCBs, and there are no detectable levels in the water supplies. [17]
PCBs accumulate in the body and in the ecosystem.
Once PCBs enter a person´s (or animal´s) body, they tend to be absorbed into fat tissue and remain there.
Unlike water-soluble chemicals, they are not excreted, so the body accumulates PCBs over years. This means that PCBs also accumulate via the food chain: a small fish may absorb PCBs in water or by eating plankton, and these PCBs are stored in its body fat. When a larger fish eats the small fish, it also eats and absorbs all the PCBs that have built up in the small fish. In this way, larger fish and animals can build up a highly concentrated store of PCBs. Some types of PCBs may degrade into nontoxic form while they are stored in the body, but this process can take many years.
In the same way, PCBs accumulate in women and pass on to their infants through breast milk. This accumulation means that nursing infants may ingest PCB levels much higher than the levels in fish and other foods consumed by their mothers. [18]
PCBs have been found all over the world, including significant amounts in the Arctic and Antarctic, far from any sources. In fact, several studies have found very high levels of PCBs in the blood and breast milk of Inuit women. [19] It is thought that PCBs spread through the air, after evaporating from contaminated water and sediments, as well as through the water. -
Huge story unfolding at Warwick
by Crazyguy inits been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
Brokeback Watchtower
I sure hope the GB discusses how they got deceived by the Nickle Company into buying a chemical dump in one of their monthly broadcast. As Forest Gump would say "stupid is as stupid does"
New letter, re: Fully Utilizing Kingdom Hall Auditoriums
by suavojr inlet the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
Brokeback Watchtower
Boy these guys on the GB who make sure these letters have the right spin are doing their darndest to not call a spade a spade. I gota give them kudos for their attempts.
Get ready for some big sell off and lots of disgruntled JWs searching the internet for answers who now spend more time on the web instead of traveling 20+ miles because their local hall was sold to be more efficient(pay for child molestation lawsuits).
People can only be so dumb.
You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!
by cha ching ini am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm thinking a class action lawsuit for all the laid off Bethelite, COs, DOs, and other that have given the Corporation services for a slave labor agreement and thrown to the curb to fend for themselves penniless and without a residence.
I think this guy and many more like him have a case. The real trouble is is getting in touch with these person and forming some type of organized mass to fight this cruel treatment in the courts which is what the Watchtower is banking on so as to get away with their dirty work.
Thank God this guy is so young and he can start his life over in a better direction. I really pity those that are old and have given so much that have been thrown to the curb.